Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Well, here I sit on July 1, 2015 at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital; the day I have feared for months now.  My youngest granddaughter who is only 15 months old is being put to sleep for an MRI to check for something I have refused to believe she has, cerebral palsy.  I believe she is fearfully and wonderfully made. Yes, she’s a little slower than other kids her age but there’s nothing wrong. 

As I am writing this they are proceeding with the test.  My insides are very trembly but my heart is set on God, our Creator.  He is in control; He knows what is going on inside my granddaughter; and He will not be surprised at what the doctors find  . . . . Or don’t find.  As I look around the room while I’m waiting, I see many children, young babies to teens.  There is something going on with each of them, some much worse than others.  As I look around I am reminded of the verse in Mark 10:14, “Suffer the little children come unto me, and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of God.”  I am also reminded that in this thing called life, nothing is perfect.  There is sickness and disease everywhere and yes, some will even end in death.  But God promises that if we believe in him, we will have eternal life.  The time draws closer.  Ready or not, one day the Lord is coming, saved or lost, sick or healthy, the time is drawing near.  (Revelations 1:3)
So, it’s been about three hours since my granddaughter’s procedure began.  The nurse just called and said the test was over.  She also gave us the report we prayed for - everything is normal!  My daughter asked about the cerebral palsy.  The nurse was confused by the question and said the doctor would be contacting us soon, which he did. The doctor stated that some cerebral palsy is so mild that it does not show on tests and she will need to be re-evaluated in four months, but all looks good!

So, was there ever anything wrong with her; or did God heal her between the time her parents were first told something was wrong  and the time she was taken to an old- fashioned alter where God’s people prayed for her healing?  I guess we will never know, but this grandmother knows that no matter the diagnosis, this child was created by God and she is fearfully and wonderfully made!    

Psalm 139:14 says, “I will praise You, For (Isabella) is fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are your works, and that my soul knows very well.”    

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