Wednesday, September 2, 2015


        Some of you may have read my Mom’s previous blog about my youngest daughter’s diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy called, "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made". For those that have not I will do a quick recap. At 6 months of age Isabella was not rolling over or sitting up and was very weak on her left side. I mentioned it to her pediatrician who just dismissed it at which time we took her for a second opinion. Isabella had a 9 month checkup and the doctor agreed with me about my concerns and decided she needed to see a neurologist. We made the trip to Cincinnati where the doctor observed her for 30-45 minutes and said that he knew she had CP as he sees this very often and that she would walk, but closer to 2 years of age.  We decided to go through with the sedated MRI ,which showed no damage. The doctor told us that a lot of times the MRI never shows damage but they will continue to treat her as a CP patient. There was about a span of 6 months between the time we first saw the neurologist and the day of her sedated MRI. Almost every day, I wondered what the MRI would show.   I replayed my pregnancy in my mind a million times trying to figure out when Isabella had the stroke the doctors said she had.  I also questioned if I would ever see her walk the halls of our home, the isle at church or if she would ever walk to the door of my parents’ home when we went for a visit. I knew God COULD heal her but I just didn’t know if it was in His plans. Perhaps Isabella could reach more people and give more glory to God by being wheelchair bound or strapped to a walker. Having to reach a point where you were completely ok with your child being in such a state in order for her to honor God is completely sobering. I had always heard parents say as their children were heading to the mission field that if that’s God’s will for them then that’s the safest place for them. I too felt this way.  What if this was God’s plan for Isabella’s life? Who am I to reject it? After all King Darius turned to God because of the power of God shown thru Daniel’s trial.  My husband on the other hand had complete faith that God would heal Isabella and that she would walk. He took her before the church on a Sunday and had her anointed with oil and prayed over. From that point on he had unwavering faith. It was almost for those months that we lived as a house divided. He wasn’t wrong in his thinking and neither was I. I didn’t know if God would heal her by allowing her to walk but I KNEW either way He would be there and that was enough for me!!! We have continued weekly therapy with Isabella and I am so thankful to report that I have watched her walk the halls of our home, the isle of our church and to the front door of my parents’ home. I have watched her climb items in our home that a CP patient should NEVER be able to do. I have watched the strength in her left side be restored.  She climbs steps like a pro. Just this week I watched my friend’s amazed face at seeing Isabella walk. The nurse said that either Isabella has CP and it isn’t showing on the MRI or she never had it. But I say she had it BUT GOD healed her!!!! I know what she looked like at 6 months and my mommy gut said something was wrong. She began walking at 15 ½ months old. I am so thankful and so unworthy and the grace shown to me. Can God??  GOD CAN!!!!

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