Sunday, July 26, 2015

It's Okay to Laugh

Some of my friends may not know this about me but it's a true statement - I am clumsy.  I almost always have bruises on my knees from running into furniture; it's not unusual for me to be wearing a band aide from an injury sustained while cooking; and I have taken a few very ungraceful falls. I want to tell you about one such fall that happened at church.
I had walked into the church office carrying two fairly large stacked boxes. The bottom box needed to go on a shelf and the top box on a desk. I carried them in and sat them both on the floor.  I took the top box and swung around and placed it on the desk. As I was doing that a lady I knew stuck her head in the door to say a quick hi.  That tiny distraction was all it took and I completely forgot about the second box. I took a step to follow the lady out when all of a sudden my toes slammed against the second box rooting my feet firmly in place all while the top half of my body continued to propel forward. Down I went, over the box and through the air, landing with a thump and an UGH! Unfortunately, I had picked that Sunday to wear a dress and high heels, something I rarely do. The dress went up as I went down and the box got crushed.  The floor I so ungracefully landed on was carpeted but unfortunately since the office was in the basement there was concrete underneath and no offerings were spent on padding lol.

There were people nearby and when they heard the crash, they came running. There I was on the floor and all I could do after an audible groan and a quick jerk of my dress down, was laugh!  I'm sure I looked quite a sight lying there twisted up on the floor, laughing!

After a few seconds, I realized no one else was laughing. I guess they were being polite or perhaps they were too concerned.  When I realized no one else saw the hilariousness of my situation, I no longer felt it and the funniness quickly turned to embarrassment.  You see, to me,  laughter makes the most uncomfortable situations much more bearable. Looking back, I wish one of my best friends had been there. They would have laughed with me after a quick, 'O-M-G, are you okay?'   They may have even done a quick check for blood or broken bones; then they would have lost it ... not at me mind you, but with me.

Now, don't get me wrong. No one wants to be humiliated and I am no exception. But those silly little things that happen in life that are not serious or life altering, are much better handled with a sense of humor.  There are so many challenging things in our day to day lives so I have found if I can find something to laugh about, it's a stress reliever and I believe a gift, so I'm going to thank God for the opportunity to laugh.

Laughter is so important for our physical and mental well-being.  As they say in Reader's Digest, "Laughter is the Best Medicine", and it's true.   Laughter releases endorphins, protects the heart by increasing blood flow, and boosts the immune system. Laughter also relaxes the entire body. Studies have shown that your body can stay relaxed up to 45 minutes after a hardy laugh.

Many don't picture God with a sense of humor and I'm not sure why. We were created in His image so if He does not have a sense of humor, where did we get ours?

There is nothing more cathartic than a good laugh and if I have to laugh at myself over a silly fall, I'm okay with that. There will come a day when a fall could have dire consequences to my health. Until then, if you're around the next time I do something silly, especially if I am laughing, by all means join me in a big ole belly laugh. It will make us both feel better. 

“A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.”                  
 Proverbs 17:22

Just for Laughs!

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